FoxTrot by Bill Amend for March 31, 1998
Jason: Phew. False alarm. Eileen Jacobson: Jason, will you cool it with the disguises?! Jason: Eileen, you don't understand the fifth-grade male ethos. If the guys find out that I like you--a girl--I'm kaput! Finished! Ruined! They'll make fun of me! Tease me! Taunt me till I die! Eileen Jacobson: How do you know? Jason: Well, I'd do it to them. Eileen Jacobson: You did say fifth grade, and not, oh, first or second, correct?
JasonFoxIsMyHero over 14 years ago
Yes, he did. Considering I once faced the same situation.
aardvark86au almost 8 years ago
I seem to remember feeling like one of the big kids “now” at the start of every school year, but from my current state of advanced decrepitude I don’t see that much difference in maturity between a fifth grader and a second grader.
kotlcforever over 1 year ago
the coUp de graCe