FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for April 27, 2011
Peter: I must say, Mom, that in an era when you can get all the news you could ever want off the internet... not to mention up-to-the minute sports scores, stock quotes, weather forecasts, editorials and comics... it's nice to see you still prefer to read the newspaper. Andy: I guess you and i are just traditionalists, Peter. Peter: Don't drag me into your dinosaur world. I meant it means more computer time for the rest of us. Andy: Yes, but can you what someone with a rolled-up internet?
Rakkav over 13 years ago
No, but a computer monitor from back in the day could leave a mark, too.
Vista Bill Raley and Comet™ over 13 years ago
Isn’t Andy the one that selected the iFruit?
lewisbower over 13 years ago
The dog has no fear of the laptop, but he cowers before the upraised paper.
Colt9033 over 13 years ago
Andy did pick up the iFruit because it was cute.
cdward over 13 years ago
You can whack someone upside the head pretty good with an iPad. Of course, that’s a pretty expensive whack.
randymi over 13 years ago
The mom has a point. Besides, just because it’s up-to-the-latest-minute doesn’t mean it’s worth reading.
I’d rather spend my time doing better things (such as playing games or swimming) than reading some hack writer’s opinion about the present state of cow turd tossing (or whatever it is they’re calling politics this week), thank you very much.
Ray_C over 13 years ago
I’d throw my wireless mouse at him. Should leave a black eye.
as363 over 13 years ago
Or make a noose out of your headset cord .
Dewsolo over 13 years ago
My mother told me about this joke, it is originally from HER childhood. Back in the days when RADIO was brand new, some comic said something about radio replacing the newspaper and his straight man answered “But can you swat a fly with a rolled up radio?”
Newspapers survived radio and TV, if they get into the 21st century, they can survive the internet, too.
vzs1022 over 13 years ago
No, but he might be able to whack someone with the keyboard or mouse.
Destiny23 over 13 years ago
The content of newspapers can survive, but not necessarily in paper form, as has already been demonstrated in many cities around the world. And while you can read comics printed on paper, you can’t interact with other readers! I find reading the comics in my daily newspaper boring, since I’m always thinking what various commenters would have to say about them. The interaction is half the fun!
cbrsarah over 13 years ago
I find it’s sometimes better to not know what others may think of a strip. Some of it can get pretty inane.
treBsdrawkcaB over 13 years ago
Dew - I also read this when I was a kid in the 1960’s regarding how TV would never replace newspapers because you wouldn’t swat a fly or line a bird cage with a TV.
…Although, considering all the filth that gets pumped into living rooms via the TV, my reason for not lining the bird cage with one would be to protect the bird.
rgcviper over 13 years ago
Touché, Andy …
And, that was good, Randywriter.
Charles Weir over 13 years ago
Destiny23…yeah that’s true and if you don’t want to read it on a monitor, then you can print the articles.
Hang on….
Romeo2Delta2 about 5 years ago
You don’t even have to roll it up. I read a Popular Science article claiming that you can shut down a major corporation’s web presence using $5 worth of cloud space.