Computer: Username:
Jason: Jason_Fox
Computer: Password:
Computer: (Beep) approved
Jason: My sister might be able to guess it, but she'll never be able to type it.
Ah… but that plan is fatally flawed, Jason. Paige can simply:1) write the username2) place the cursor on the password field3) move to another window4) type “Jousting Beaver” (or whatever teen girls are into now)5) return to the login window6) type the password “IS_A_STUD”There. Horror averted.
Ah… but that plan is fatally flawed, Jason. Paige can simply:1) write the username2) place the cursor on the password field3) move to another window4) type “Jousting Beaver” (or whatever teen girls are into now)5) return to the login window6) type the password “IS_A_STUD”There. Horror averted.