next summer (or some other future summer) Roger had better take them to he real great outdoors… and get Peter his own tent to prevent another burrito fiasco
@Kamino Neko (from yesterday’s strip): I AM an expert in Spanish (43 years of speaking, reading, and writing it fluently), and you missed my point. “Chamaco” shouldn’t be necessary to indicate to Spanish speakers in Mexico or anywhere else that Peter was dreaming that he was in Mexico, because no Spanish-speaker in ANY Spanish-speaking country would reasonably assume that Peter already WAS in Mexico simply because the dialogue happened to be in Spanish. In other words, the word is entirely superfluous.
Templo S.U.D. over 7 years ago
next summer (or some other future summer) Roger had better take them to he real great outdoors… and get Peter his own tent to prevent another burrito fiasco
Lee Cox over 7 years ago
@Kamino Neko (from yesterday’s strip): I AM an expert in Spanish (43 years of speaking, reading, and writing it fluently), and you missed my point. “Chamaco” shouldn’t be necessary to indicate to Spanish speakers in Mexico or anywhere else that Peter was dreaming that he was in Mexico, because no Spanish-speaker in ANY Spanish-speaking country would reasonably assume that Peter already WAS in Mexico simply because the dialogue happened to be in Spanish. In other words, the word is entirely superfluous.
mail2jbl over 7 years ago
Amazing how Amend spaced one day into two weeks.
Thanksfortheinfo2000 over 7 years ago
perhaps next time he’ll camp by himself and enjoy a peaceful, quiet night, dreaming of what could have been…
Axeɫ handeɫ over 7 years ago
Take sleeping pills.
BiggerNate91 over 7 years ago
<— I’ve inverted!