Frank and Ernest by Thaves for November 01, 2009
Revised Nursery Rhymes "Humpty Dumpty King's Horses and King's Men Headquarters Frank says, "Come quickly! There's beena terrible accident!" Ambulance Frank says, "I got them here as fast as I could, Ernie!" Ernest says, "What's the emergency?" Ernest says, "All I said was "Humpty Dumpty had a great fall!" "
tbree over 15 years ago
I’m just gonna leaf this one alone.
pouncingtiger over 15 years ago
Humpty Dumpty’s not the only one who has cracked.
pearlandpeach over 15 years ago
great play on words! love this cartoon!
bald over 15 years ago
well, i technically, humpty did……
benbrilling over 15 years ago
It was great because he didn’t have to set all the clocks in the house back an hour.