Everybody hates rules until they let crooks go free and then we need MORE rules. Everyone hates taxes until they don’t pay to clean your streets or pick up your garbage or put cops out, which are what get cut to show you the “error” of your ways. “You can’t please everyone so you got to please yourself.” Any wonder the pols go their own way with all the crabbing? Anyone of the Christians doing it see what happened to Israel when all they did was crab? At least their kids got the Promised Land when they all died. Ours might not be that lucky.
ejcapulet almost 15 years ago
Or health care?
drwatson almost 15 years ago
Good Senator K. Rupt.
lewisbower almost 15 years ago
I’m too stupid to read or recycle. Please run my life Mr Krupt.
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Gee, EMET last I looked, the old ads said “BO knows.” So it must be okay.
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
Everybody hates rules until they let crooks go free and then we need MORE rules. Everyone hates taxes until they don’t pay to clean your streets or pick up your garbage or put cops out, which are what get cut to show you the “error” of your ways. “You can’t please everyone so you got to please yourself.” Any wonder the pols go their own way with all the crabbing? Anyone of the Christians doing it see what happened to Israel when all they did was crab? At least their kids got the Promised Land when they all died. Ours might not be that lucky.
freeholder1 almost 15 years ago
EMET: rules of boxing are the same as magic. Never let your right hand know what your left his punching. All muscle memory.
bald almost 15 years ago
at least with senator SI Hayakawa of Calif. you knew where he stood, or should i say slept during session.
MichiganMitten over 2 years ago
Why not both?