Frank and Ernest by Thaves for November 02, 2010

  1. Att00001
    gimmickgenius  over 14 years ago

    RIP, James MacArthur.

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    fredbuhl  over 14 years ago

    e-book ‘em, Dano?

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    librisleo  over 14 years ago

    Have they got the right software to download him, too?

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  4. White persian kitten
    Iwa Iniki  over 14 years ago

    I cannot stand the new Hawaiian Five-O. One would think the Hawaii Police Department would not like it, but who knows?

    So sorry that James MacArthur died this year. He was a nice actor. He was still young. Before Hawaii Five-O, he made several Disney movies, etc.

    Jack Lord died several years ago. He and his wife left everything to Hawaii for education. Did you know Mr. Lord was a brilliant stage actor when he started out? Bet you did not know any of this.

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