Years ago, I had a friend who was a walking Blog, an opinion on everything. Worse, he liked to argue, he’d take any side just for the sake of arguing. At least with a Blog, you can refuse to look or shut it off without hurting anyone’s feelings.
" attach a 2.4 ghz feedhorn to a microwave" That’s easier said than done. There’s a good chance you’d fry yourself in the use or testing of the Kludge. Microwaves work at 2450 MHz ‘cause that frequency boils water very well & we are mostly water. From personal, professional experience, you might not bother the computer anyway. Feed horns are meant to excite dish antenna arrays not the same thing as the dish itself. If you did get a Kludge up and running, you’d stick out like a sore thumb and be violating Federal law to boot.
TREEINTHEWIND about 10 years ago
Don’t try reading over his shoulder………….gr…gr…gr….
Superfrog about 10 years ago
I hope he keeps that blog on a leash.
neverenoughgold about 10 years ago
BLOG or no BLOG, it’s still pretty much CRAP!
rnmontgomery about 10 years ago
He must be using windows
dzw3030 about 10 years ago
Years ago, I had a friend who was a walking Blog, an opinion on everything. Worse, he liked to argue, he’d take any side just for the sake of arguing. At least with a Blog, you can refuse to look or shut it off without hurting anyone’s feelings.
dzw3030 about 10 years ago
" attach a 2.4 ghz feedhorn to a microwave" That’s easier said than done. There’s a good chance you’d fry yourself in the use or testing of the Kludge. Microwaves work at 2450 MHz ‘cause that frequency boils water very well & we are mostly water. From personal, professional experience, you might not bother the computer anyway. Feed horns are meant to excite dish antenna arrays not the same thing as the dish itself. If you did get a Kludge up and running, you’d stick out like a sore thumb and be violating Federal law to boot.
Craig Lillywhite about 10 years ago
Shush, I hear it… listen….“Blark, blark”