Frazz by Jef Mallett for November 10, 2012
Mr. Burke: Motivation could be an issue today. Miss Plainwell: Motivation is never an issue. Any day could be the last nice day for a long time. Mr. Burke: Any weekend, it's nice somewhere some airline flies. Miss Plainwell: Can't hear you over the cold wind.
Varnes about 12 years ago
Yup. A Michigan girl. Gotta love ’em…or else!
LeoAutodidact about 12 years ago
Notice who’s wearing shorts, and who’s NOT!
Defective about 12 years ago
Wearing shorts when it’s 30 degrees out is just plain silly. It’s 30 here this morning. I don’t generate enough heat to not be cold when it’s 30, while running.
magicwalnut about 12 years ago
Whoa! You can tell this is Michigan! The grey is getting to all of us! Me, I’m turning all the lights on and closing all the drapes!
magicwalnut about 12 years ago
Might as well move to Alaska. They’ve got free nursing homes up there.
prrdh about 12 years ago
The climate in most of Africa selects for ability to radiate heat, not conserve it: long limbs and trunk to maximize surface area, body fat concentrated in the butt and hips. African-American GIs suffered way disproportionately from frostbite during the Korean War.
runar about 12 years ago
rwgate about 12 years ago
You could always move to Arizona. Today’s our coldest day this year and it’s sunny, and a slightly chilly 63 degrees By Tuesday it’ll be back in the mid 70’s. We have A/C for the heat in the summer, and 2/3’s of the state are over 4500 ft.
hippogriff about 12 years ago
zedman2222: I thought grey was a kind of cup. The zed part of your nom de web should also have been a giveaway.
Konabill about 12 years ago
codedaddy about 12 years ago
It’s also “grey” for the color with Brits. I always thought “Grey” was just for names (Earl Grey Tea, Grey Poupon, etc.) and “gray” for the color, but found out that distinction and usage is pretty much confined to the US.
The Orange Mailman about 12 years ago
Well hello all you Michiganders posting here. This turned out to be a real nice day. I took my jacket off while delivering.
flatpick about 12 years ago
Wait… Calvin got older and his mom got younger?? So confused.
marmar4 about 12 years ago
I’m a Michigan girl.Born in the shade of the Great White PineWalked the trails of the “Porkeipine”.I’m a Michigan girl.
By the Amerylischilde_of_pan almost 8 years ago
Flip-side of running in the cold: my wife and I were in Red Bluff once when the temp was low triple digits. We were wilting, being that where we are from triple digit temps are front page news (and that’s part of why we live here), when a guy jogged past us wearing full sweats. All a matter of perspective and what you’re used to, I guess.