Frazz by Jef Mallett for April 24, 2016
Jobs and hobbies Miss Plainwell: Please welcome Dr. Wright. He's a luthier. Pink shirt girl: I think I'm an episcopal. Yellow shirt boy: What do they make guitars out of? Frazz: Usually wood. All kinds of wood. Though some-say, a dobro- can be metal. Brain may, one of the greatest, made his from an ancient fireplace mantel and an old table. Yellow Shirt boy: Wow! What was your first guitar made out of? I mean real guitar, Frazz. Frazz: Oh, it was real enough for me.
KZ71 almost 9 years ago
8-year-old Frazz is awesome…
garcoa almost 9 years ago
It is definitely easier to play any song than a real one.
lippyfish almost 9 years ago
What awesome Queen trivia!
sandpiper almost 9 years ago
The other children are smiling in anticipation. Something that does not happen most days but not because the teacher/subject is not interesting. Just that after the first week, everything seems to fall into the same old same old.Teachers generally are an enthusiastic lot and seem to be better able to maintain in the the first three grades.
jessegooddoggy almost 9 years ago
I don’t have kids, but I snuck in to a class assembly in Malibu years ago when Jane Goodall was speaking. What a treat!
jamesbachreeves almost 9 years ago
I wish he had made the young Frazz look like Calvin.
luvdafuneez almost 9 years ago
The easiest guitar to make, play and take care of is the air guitar…my favorite.
nosirrom almost 9 years ago
That’s Dr. Brian May. A rock star who looks to the stars.
jdunham almost 9 years ago
If a luthier repairs lutes, does a fluthier repair flutes?
Mary McNeil Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Or for Caulfield to say it just to make a smart remark.
Seed_drill almost 9 years ago
There is a quite high end luthier in our tiny town. Way out of my wife’s price range.
amaryllis2 Premium Member almost 9 years ago
My brother built the most beautiful custom guitars for years. I was and am in awe, and I wish he were still doing it.
Nocode54 almost 9 years ago
I think that may be a reference to Dr. Thomas Wright.
billdaviswords about 4 years ago
Frazz is a lefty. He’s playing his “guitar” here as a right-hander. Does he do that elsewhere in the strip, or was this a goof?
crisidelm almost 3 years ago
I remember at least one other strip where he played his guitar right-handed.