Frazz by Jef Mallett for September 04, 2016
Mrs. Olsen: Could I buy tickets from an actual human doing an actual job? No! I had to buy them online and do the job myself. And pay a $2 "convenience" fee?! I'm supposed to find it convenient to pay nobody to do nothing? For tickets to the @#$!! Labor day concert? Miss Plainwell: Looks like Mrs. Olsen found something to rant about. Caulfield: I don't think it was a lot of work.
A few years back when Leonard Cohen (r.i.p.) was doing his first tour in years, TicketB@$rD bought ALL available tickets, and sold them for way in excess of their face value. I was willing to pay $50 or $60 because I knew there might not be many more chances to see him, but no way could I go $250. If I did that I would be subject to arrest and prosecution but for the licensed pirates at TicketB$@rD it’s just another day at work.