Dying from a lightening strike is also statistically very unlikely, but standing out in the middle of a big field during a thunderstorm with a long metal pole in your hands stretched up toward the sky changes those odds. Becoming the victim of a shark attack is also statistically unlikely, but swimming in shark-infested waters likewise changes the odds in ways Frazz does not seem to understand.
Great white sharks are not true apex predators. Orcas will hunt and eat them. Orcas hunt in packs. And people kill and don’t eat huge numbers of sharks. We are apex ravagers and wasters. The thing I fear most in open water is the drunk in a power boat.
ACK! Premium Member over 6 years ago
Individually, we’re not so much. All together, we’re a plague on this planet.
cabalonrye over 6 years ago
So many dumb ways to die. (look up the Australian railways video Dumb Ways to Die) :D
rugeirn over 6 years ago
Dying from a lightening strike is also statistically very unlikely, but standing out in the middle of a big field during a thunderstorm with a long metal pole in your hands stretched up toward the sky changes those odds. Becoming the victim of a shark attack is also statistically unlikely, but swimming in shark-infested waters likewise changes the odds in ways Frazz does not seem to understand.
Eric Premium Member over 6 years ago
Great white sharks are not true apex predators. Orcas will hunt and eat them. Orcas hunt in packs. And people kill and don’t eat huge numbers of sharks. We are apex ravagers and wasters. The thing I fear most in open water is the drunk in a power boat.
DM2860 over 6 years ago
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.