Yeah, there are quite a few like that. They think they know, but they don’t know. They just like to spout. Best, sometimes, to just let them spout. I had an uncle like that. Knew everything about everything. Did no good to try to correct him. He was harmless so we just let him go. Funny. You don’t think you’ll miss the spouting and endlessly repeated same stories until the voice is silent, and then you do.
ronaldspence about 3 years ago
Make sure it’s not contrails spreading disease Fred…oh wait, they probably don’t have tin foil hats in England…
mikenjanet about 3 years ago
Yeah, there are quite a few like that. They think they know, but they don’t know. They just like to spout. Best, sometimes, to just let them spout. I had an uncle like that. Knew everything about everything. Did no good to try to correct him. He was harmless so we just let him go. Funny. You don’t think you’ll miss the spouting and endlessly repeated same stories until the voice is silent, and then you do.
juicebruce about 3 years ago
Fred I do not know the names of the clouds myself but it is nice to see the different shapes :-)
biznessnunya02 about 3 years ago
I’ll bet Fred knows the difference
!!ǝlɐ⅁ about 3 years ago
No, but they both just accumulate!
FreyjaRN Premium Member about 3 years ago
I’ve known since I was eight and identified a squall line. You see almost everything in the Midwest.
darcyandsimon about 3 years ago
And you DO, Fred? ;-)
Uncle Bob about 3 years ago
…from a hole in a hurricane…
Gordette about 3 years ago
I’ve told my sister that I want a membership to the Cloud Appreciation Society for Christmas!