Frog Applause by Teresa Burritt for July 24, 2019

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    David OBrien  over 5 years ago

    Donā€™t be a pain about itā€¦

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    Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr   over 5 years ago

    Just another ā€œhysterical womanā€.

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  3. Skipper
    3hourtour Premium Member over 5 years ago

    ā€¦grandpa said of his wife while she was in labour: sheā€™s suffering a mild discomfortā€¦

    ā€¦yes, yes, you are suffering a cluster headache, but where is my supper?ā€¦

    ā€¦and Gilligan had to do everything Ginger did but backwards and in high heelsā€¦

    ā€¦Trumpism: sheā€™s not my typeā€¦

    ā€¦ nothing, you already told her twiceā€¦

    ā€¦hugs not drugsā€¦

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    *Space Madness at The Station*  over 5 years ago

    I am presently in pain without proper treatment yet. They say it over and over, it takes time. This is not so called side effects from something foreign in the body, I have been there too. Timing is causing a set back for me as the opiate crisis is running rampant. God help Men and Women suffering, it really sucks.

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  5. Td  2
    Rotifer FREE BEER & BATH MATS ON FEB. 31st Thalweg Premium Member over 5 years ago


    Seeking to Clarify Its Opioid Prescribing Guidelines, CDC Joins FDA in Decrying ā€˜Mandated or Abrupt Dose Reductionā€™

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  6. Colt2
    coltish1  over 5 years ago

    And there IS no second opinion about that.

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  7. Huckandfish
    Huckleberry Hiroshima Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Well, women are always bragging about being able to endure more pain than men. Having babies, etc. Of course now the baby thing is drowned out with epidurals etc. Iā€™m more bothered about women being undertreated for cardiac issues and not being educated on some of the possible differences between women and men as to symptoms.

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    Radish...   over 5 years ago

    I look like a hippy, doctors wonā€™t give me drugs, no matter how much pain Iā€™m in.

    I know a woman who goes to the doctor and browbeats them into giving her every drug known to the pharmacological manual.

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    Ray*C  over 5 years ago

    Judging from the picture, that was the idea maybe seventy years ago. If not, it needs to be fixed today. One of those facts that everyone shakes their head about but nobody does anything about it. Pain has a large psychological component, Iā€™m told. Depends on whatā€™s going on around you. If youā€™re carrying a child out of a burning house, the perceived pain is a lot less than if you burned your hand touching a hot stove. Stuff I read long ago, donā€™t know if itā€™s really true. I believe that childbirth without pain killer is extremely painful, even though itā€™s a joyous event. I am so screwed up here, Iā€™m really confused, but maybe someone can enlighten us. Teresa, when you make me think this hard, it hurts!!

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    garrodwilbur  over 5 years ago

    Teresa Are you into the joyful giving of pain

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    Howard'sMyHero  over 5 years ago

    Just wondering ā€¦ how many professional medical women were and are part of such studies and conclusions? ā€¦ Generally speaking, in spite of the distant past, I now find it hard to believe there is a current universal vendetta for actively ignoring and/or discounting the treatment of anyoneā€™s pain ā€¦ unless addiction, or other miscellaneous individual concerns are involved ā€¦.

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    *Space Madness at The Station*  over 5 years ago

    To my surprise, I walked into the drugstore I use today and asked the Pharmacist if he thought my dose of painkiller was low? He said yes, talk to your Dr. ā€¦ I looked around and found a great product OTC. I am wearing it now and a huge improvement for now. My knee is in need of a replacement, bone on bone and the cartilage is all arthritis and hurting more and more. I put off seeing a orth. Dr. again and it is two weeks away. The help for the knee pain is a Jumperā€™s Knee Strap. It provides tendon pressure, and it wears as an elastic strap with

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    Font Lady Premium Member over 5 years ago

    My daughter has phantom pain from fibromyalgia so even though she may feel like her bones are breaking or her arm is on fire, she canā€™t take anything strong enough to stop the pain. And her pain that isnā€™t phantom is magnified.

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  14. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 5 years ago

    Yes, yes. And now what? It is the medical profession that is in need of reform, yet it is so stolidly stodgy. Still, there are more female doctors today than Once Upon a Time (as in that illustration of discussants over a century ago)ā€¦.

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  15. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 5 years ago

    This all got started more than one hundred twenty years ago. Back then they were preaching about how the world was bound for perdition if things didnā€™t change. There was one certified version of reality, and any disagreement was ignored or marginalized. Back then, nobody could have seen this coming. Back then, they all thought it would be deserts and rising seas and starvation from coast to coast. Sometimes, I think that would have been better.

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    cooganm Premium Member over 5 years ago

    ā€œYouā€™re crushing my hand!!ā€

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    mjkaswan Premium Member over 5 years ago

    Could we have a citation, please?

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