…a dystopian future where horses get their due…
…in most terrific futures …
…like planet of the apes…
…while other creatures become sentient…
…horses remain horses…
…this must be the new HULU series…Mr. Ed II…
….where Mr.Ed joins a Madmen style advertising agency…
…and has to mess with the foibles of office personalities…
…of course his boss is an as$…
…and his secretary is Secretariat…
…all the while trying to train his man-pet, Wilbur…
…a dystopian future where horses get their due…
…in most terrific futures …
…like planet of the apes…
…while other creatures become sentient…
…horses remain horses…
…this must be the new HULU series…Mr. Ed II…
….where Mr.Ed joins a Madmen style advertising agency…
…and has to mess with the foibles of office personalities…
…of course his boss is an as$…
…and his secretary is Secretariat…
…all the while trying to train his man-pet, Wilbur…