…back when America was great…
…you gotta problem with that?!? …whatta think I meant when I said …
…I’d like to get into her panties…
…makes me think of front bench seats in cars…
…my old green ‘72 Valiant…
… affectionately called, Nankipoo..
… I’d spray a hint of a cologne called An-dron on…
…and the submarine races were on…
… whether or not I ended my sentence with a preposition…
…the good old days…
…Night Moves on the old 8-track…
…steamed up windows…
…the sound of a soul train…
…and lovin’ every minute of it…
…at least that’s was what was happening in the next car over at the drive-in…
…Patty Lou…
…liked to keep a space distance between us…
…“The popcorn doesn’t have ’enough but-ta”…
…I guess the only Dick Van ..
…was up on the screen with Mary Poppins…
…back when America was great…
…you gotta problem with that?!? …whatta think I meant when I said …
…I’d like to get into her panties…
…makes me think of front bench seats in cars…
…my old green ‘72 Valiant…
… affectionately called, Nankipoo..
… I’d spray a hint of a cologne called An-dron on…
…and the submarine races were on…
… whether or not I ended my sentence with a preposition…
…the good old days…
…Night Moves on the old 8-track…
…steamed up windows…
…the sound of a soul train…
…and lovin’ every minute of it…
…at least that’s was what was happening in the next car over at the drive-in…
…Patty Lou…
…liked to keep a space distance between us…
…“The popcorn doesn’t have ’enough but-ta”…
…I guess the only Dick Van ..
…was up on the screen with Mary Poppins…