Funky Winkerbean by Tom Batiuk for October 28, 2005

  1. Img 6018
    csroberto2854  4 days ago

    My least favorite Batiukverse characters

    6. John Howard = He reminds me of one of my job coaches at Gordon’s Food Service in the fall who got arrested for owning CP (which also featured him committing a truly horrific crime to a infant) (I wouldn’t be surprised if John actually got arrested for that in the strip) and also he treats his customers like crap and stole Becky from Wally (I don’t think Becky had any say in the marriage)

    5. Dick Facey = he’s a smug zealot who cannot take a joke or anybody telling him Lisa wasn’t that special

    4. Melinda Budd – she is a really awful parent even for Batiukverse standards

    3. Frankie Pierce – he is incredibly sleazy and tried to take Darin from his adoptive parents (Fred and Ann Fairgood)

    2. Cindy = her hatred of Marianne Winters and her suing Ginny Wolfe for giving her poor grades rubbed me the wrong way

    1. Dinkle = His treatment of his students and old people are horrible and his ego is way too much to bear

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