Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for October 30, 2010

  1. Adopted from phoenix az  humanes societyavatar
    Fusnr  over 14 years ago

    The county will find an extra bunch of trash in it too.

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  2. Steven 4
    workjobb Premium Member over 14 years ago

    How in the hell do you you drive a bus “by mistake”?

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  3. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  over 14 years ago

    Next they’ll promote Miss Chris to Secretary of Transportation! Rover should slip over to her place to give her an innocent congratulatory kiss– and cell phone use will not be permitted!

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  4. Dscn3076
    oldbooger  over 14 years ago

    Where’s Walt and the old gang?

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  5. Pig
    buchser  over 14 years ago

    How do you drive a bus by mistake? A government educated, union employee, no doubt.

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  6. Missing large
    jollyjack  over 14 years ago

    Timothy B

    So you are a privately educated Entrepreneur? Perhaps with a expertise in transportation so you could devine that ONLY a classless union employee could manage this task?

     •  Reply
  7. Me
    imrobert  over 14 years ago

    Yes Timothy, some workers do actually organize to defend their rights against the corporate dictatorship that has taken over our country. Have a nice day.

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  8. Th
    marvee  over 14 years ago

    When did Chris talk to Hoogy? During the night? And what does this explanation about the bus have to do with anything. The issue is that Chris did flirt with Rover and he rather liked it and flirted back. The kiss was more than he bargained for and Hoogy shouldn’t have been that upset, IMO

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  9. Axe grinder
    axe-grinder  over 14 years ago

    Marvee, yes– there was some volatile chemistry between Miss Chris and Rover, and both of them were actively moving the experiment along! I however think Hoogy was right to be angry.

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  10. 80x80 cartoon0144 55lwwwustftoczzcecr3q
    tracht47  over 14 years ago

    Do some people not realize that this is a comic strip and not a commentary on our public education system? Lighten up.

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  11. Hp scands 7121620245952
    LoisG Premium Member over 14 years ago

    What seems odd to me is that the Pye family would be thinking about turning the wrecked bus into a home when a perfectly good service station with a roof and probably a lot more comforts of home is standing alone, all abandoned, up on top of the hill.Why would the Pye family settle for living in a wrecked school bus when the filling station at the top of the hill appears to be in a whole lot better shape!

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  12. Beatnik 128x128
    ocean17  over 14 years ago

    I see Rover is now dressed in his “after ours” co-ordinated lounging outfit and the marriage is back on track.

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