I’ve really enjoyed the last couple months, with Walt, then Skeezix…..kind of sorry to see it going back to the same ol’ same ol’. Just don’t care for the Slim and Clovia arcs nearly as much. Bummer….
My kids always wanted to work, my three oldest boys (21,18, 16) all work and my 14 year old boy got paid a little to help an older lady in the neighborhood. I guess it helps that I can’t really afford to give them an allowance.
cpalmeresq over 10 years ago
Kinda figured that yesterday was the end of the latest Skeezix story…
flowerladytoo over 10 years ago
I’ve really enjoyed the last couple months, with Walt, then Skeezix…..kind of sorry to see it going back to the same ol’ same ol’. Just don’t care for the Slim and Clovia arcs nearly as much. Bummer….
roohey over 10 years ago
Slim said N-O because the he would actually have to do some work to set an example for Boog
jmkm49 over 10 years ago
Slim is not very interesting.
kab2rb over 10 years ago
Just wait will come to light with grandson with grandpa.
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
It would be nice to get to know Boog a little better. I would like for him to have a major part in a story. Maybe it will be this one.
Larry L Stout over 10 years ago
Boog is the future of the strip. We need to see him as he grows thru the years to come.
Pipe Tobacco over 10 years ago
Joel and Rufus would be great to see!
QuietStorm27 over 10 years ago
My kids always wanted to work, my three oldest boys (21,18, 16) all work and my 14 year old boy got paid a little to help an older lady in the neighborhood. I guess it helps that I can’t really afford to give them an allowance.