Good humor from a gentleman of Walt’s age…Nice to see! Just because Gasoline Alley was originally conceived as a strip where (most) of the characters would age in real time, doesn’t mean that it’s original character has to eventually pass on. After all, it IS a comic strip, and Walt is still beloved!
The stories with the visits to the Old Comics home has increased my interest in some the older strips. I wonder if Gocomics will one day offer them for our perusal.
It gives Scancarelli enough time to find a story teller to take over the strip. He lives near enough to major Universities that even a local search could result in finding a creatve writing major looking for an outlet.
cpalmeresq about 9 years ago
Good humor from a gentleman of Walt’s age…Nice to see! Just because Gasoline Alley was originally conceived as a strip where (most) of the characters would age in real time, doesn’t mean that it’s original character has to eventually pass on. After all, it IS a comic strip, and Walt is still beloved!
pelican47 about 9 years ago
From Wikipedia:“Scancarelli has said he hopes to shepherd the strip to its 100th anniversary in 2018.”
pelican47 about 9 years ago
Yet then again, will he have a successor?
kab2rb about 9 years ago
Very enjoyable story week wonder what is next?
3pibgorn9 about 9 years ago
Walt is a candidate to stay here and have Skeezix visit.
Willow Mt Lyon about 9 years ago
Let’s hope that will never be.
banjinshiju about 9 years ago
The stories with the visits to the Old Comics home has increased my interest in some the older strips. I wonder if Gocomics will one day offer them for our perusal.
BlitzMcD about 9 years ago
Very glad to see that Walt will still be with us for the time being. That was a superb story arc.
jollyjack about 9 years ago
It gives Scancarelli enough time to find a story teller to take over the strip. He lives near enough to major Universities that even a local search could result in finding a creatve writing major looking for an outlet.