Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for February 19, 2012
Rob: Man, I liked one song on this CD so I bought it, but I don't like anything else on it. Bucky: That reminds me of the fable of newlyweds. Bucky: Once upon a time, an engaged couple went out to a karaoke club. Satchel: Ha ha! I like it already! Bucky: Well, some guy gets up and sings the greatest cover of "stairway to heaven" they'd ever heard... So after he was done they asked him if he ever sang weddings. Rob: Get to the point. Bucky: Turns out he'd just recorded an album of his own love songs, and he was a justice of the peace, so he could even marry them. Rob: So the point is...? Bucky: Well, in the end, his songs were so bad, he ruined the couple's wedding. Rob; What in the name of all that is holy, is the point? Bucky: Don't book a judge by his cover. Rob: You're grounded.
tarleck about 13 years ago
Bucky for President!
doc white about 13 years ago
Like it,like it a lot.
revisages about 13 years ago
Never judge a cover by his Buck. Will never be the point.
rolleg about 13 years ago
Kvasir42 Premium Member about 13 years ago
If Pastis isn’t careful, Darby is going to give him a run for his money (what little is left after Guard Duck got most of it).
zero about 13 years ago
Book him Danno…
doublepaw about 13 years ago
Good one although it is a 2010 re-run.
griffon8 about 13 years ago
@doublepaw: Yep. Expect at least one more of these. Wonder if Mo–Sa will be reruns like last week was.
Tea_Pea about 13 years ago
If Bucky keeps this up, he could redeem himself for all the other crap he does.
sashle63 about 13 years ago
Someone whack Conley on the head. He’s channeling Pastis again!
gordrogb Premium Member about 13 years ago
Next up: A gambler and his family – “Never judge a bookie by his mother”.
Plods with ...™ about 13 years ago
Mr. Conley needs grounding.
nerdalert about 13 years ago
OK, is this a Pearls Before Swine strip? Where’s Rat
Patricia Bocklage Premium Member about 13 years ago
I’m going to have to remember these past two Sunday jokes – my friends enjoy a good pun! :)
bryan42 about 13 years ago
Flippin’ brilliant!!
Luvsmesumdog about 13 years ago
rini1946 about 13 years ago
a great groaner
rgcviper about 13 years ago
I just love Bucky Katt.
Bruce McKinney Premium Member about 13 years ago
Manxmax about 13 years ago
let’s have some bucky spoonerisms Conley
tigre1 about 13 years ago
If you’re a book editor, don’t get a ticket if you cover the judge’s book…
dramac333 about 13 years ago
It’s time for the first annual Pearls Before Swine / Get Fuzzy pun-off!
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
Bucky’s on a roll. Wonder what else we can or can not do to a judge.
pnorman1 about 13 years ago
Bucky does have his moments even if he is an annoying right wing snaggle toothed little twit. And I mean that only in the most positive sense.
Kev_a_Swing_Dancer Premium Member about 13 years ago
I’m just going to write without checking whether it’s been said: that was genius! I was bothered by Rob’s comments about last last week’s story and then, bang… all I could think was god, that’s great. I loved it. Bravo.
richter1033 about 13 years ago
naturally_easy about 13 years ago
never grudge a Buick by it’s color?
bethy85 about 13 years ago
LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! I don’t care if he borrowed the idea from Pastis or Pastis borrowed from him or neither, it’s hilarious! I have something to call my dad about now :)
DugCurtis about 13 years ago
Hahaha!! Yes, I love it!
tegm about 13 years ago
haha, even if I didn’t remember this one you could tell it’s old, like there’s anywhere you can just buy a CD anymore!