Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 04, 2013
Bucky: Bucky entering. Rob; Satchel, ids-hay the ing-stray. Satchel: Stray the what now? Rob: No, the ing-stray ight-ray ere-thay Satchel: Umm... Bucky: What are you saying?! Rob: Nothing. Never mind. Bucky: Well, stop talking in un-american! You sound like a terrorist! Or at least an annoyerist! Rob: Relax, Bucky, that was just Pig Latin, I wasn't- Bucky: You expect me to believe you can talk to mexican farm animals? Rob: Bucky, pig latin is just- Bucky: Abra cadorky! Bungle dum whopper funk! Spork spooky ole! I just told you where you can stick your pig latin in monkey dutch! Satchel: Don't look at me, I have a hard enough time with dog english.
naturally_easy over 11 years ago
Dog English! I love it! That explains why ad-boy talks to his….correction…..carries on conversations with his pets.
zero over 11 years ago
Sadly, that puts you in the majority Satch
edclectic over 11 years ago
Me, the bloods and June Cleaver can speak jive.
MickMaus over 11 years ago
I thought ‘annoyerist’ was pretty good too.
Marv Walker over 11 years ago
I actually had the pleasure of meeting and talking to Bucky at a prestigious cat show just before he went on the red carpet. He is extremely flewent in a lot of esoteric rarely spoken languages. His Monkey Dutch is world reknown but his command of Gorilla Gibberish will leave you speechless.
puddlesplatt over 11 years ago
that’s a gibbon!
T_Lexi over 11 years ago
: D I was still laughing at “Stray the what now?” when I got to “Monkey Dutch!”
Steven777 over 11 years ago
I thought that that was Wilco-Latin
RevvieQuar over 11 years ago
“May I mambo dogface to the banana patch?”
chris_weaver over 11 years ago
You’re either with us or you’re with the annoyerists!
jbmlaw01 over 11 years ago
Robert Allen over 11 years ago
An old strip. I’m glad it’s here, though. I just realised Rob’s shirt says abc GNUS. Another little joke beneath all the rest.
bryan42 over 11 years ago
So that’s what I’ve been speaking all these years; Monkey Dutch!
rgcviper over 11 years ago
OK. I really miss the new strips here, but this one is LOL funny. Fantastic.
hometownk Premium Member over 11 years ago
Robert Allan thanks for pointing out abc gnus. I missed it and wondered where all the gnu references came from.-—-Bucky playing with string? Have we ever seen Bucky actually play with anything the way a cat or kitten would?
ricrocs over 11 years ago
A plug for Trader Joes. Nice place to grocery shop,wish i had one here.There down in L.A.
Miss Buttinsky Premium Member over 11 years ago
Hi ricrocs…maybe it’s time to move. Or try to see if there’s a store within 100 miles.Might be worth the drive.
ChrisV over 11 years ago
Probably my favorite GF Sunday strip of all time right here!