I’m all for giving Whigham grief over his artwork, but only when he deserves it. I’ve said this before but, the “tonsure” comments are just wrong. If you look at the strip in color — http://www.seattlepi.com/comics-and-games/fun/Gil_Thorp/ — you’ll see that those are bald spots, but blue spots, much like Superman’s hair was black with blue in it. Now, if you want to nail Whigham for giving so many “blue jobs,” have at it. These guys give us enough fodder for our jokes, without our making stuff up. That’s Luhm’s job.
I’m all for giving Whigham grief over his artwork, but only when he deserves it. I’ve said this before but, the “tonsure” comments are just wrong. If you look at the strip in color — http://www.seattlepi.com/comics-and-games/fun/Gil_Thorp/ — you’ll see that those are bald spots, but blue spots, much like Superman’s hair was black with blue in it. Now, if you want to nail Whigham for giving so many “blue jobs,” have at it. These guys give us enough fodder for our jokes, without our making stuff up. That’s Luhm’s job.