I haven’t seen the word “Paraclete” since 1981 when I wrote a paper examining the four terms in John’s Gospel that are usually rendered in English versions of the Bible as “Holy Spirit” even though none of them can be literally translated as Holy Spirit. At the time I argued that three of those terms were better left untranslated as no English equivalent is clearly the “correct” one. At least, that is my memory of what I wrote…. I got an “A” on the paper from the great preacher and biblical scholar Fred Craddock.
I haven’t seen the word “Paraclete” since 1981 when I wrote a paper examining the four terms in John’s Gospel that are usually rendered in English versions of the Bible as “Holy Spirit” even though none of them can be literally translated as Holy Spirit. At the time I argued that three of those terms were better left untranslated as no English equivalent is clearly the “correct” one. At least, that is my memory of what I wrote…. I got an “A” on the paper from the great preacher and biblical scholar Fred Craddock.