When I was little, we used to play kick the can. Instead of putting it in a recycling bin, you'd kick a can and tell it was no longer recyclable?! Yep. And sometimes we make a paper hat out of a newspaper instead of recycling it. The horror! The horror!
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 10 years ago
And all the food at McDonald’s came in nonbiodegradable styrofoam containers. Not to actually keep it warm, but to give you the impression you were getting something substantially more for your $2.59.
warester over 10 years ago
I’m surprised she didn’t ask what a newspaper was.
metagalaxy1970 over 10 years ago
What Gabby isn’t getting is they were recycling it. Instead of throwing out the can, they made a game with it. Instead of throwing out the newspaper, they used it for something else by creating a hat out of it.
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
Back when Ecology was the thing there was the 3 ’R’s: reuse, reduce & recycle. Apparently something got lost in the translation.
Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member over 10 years ago
The characters switched sides between panels one and two. This is bad storytelling.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Sorry Gabby.
wiatr over 10 years ago
Kick the can used to be the standard evening’s entertainment back in the early ’60s.
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
With no newspaper – no paper mache. no light bulbs (the old kind) – no handmade musical instruments made with paper mache, a light bulb and an empty toilet paper tube.