Dean is still in Captain Ahab and Moby Dick mode. The “weapon” to strike deep and hold fast" against the snow is, of course, the snow shovel. Extremely clever series, IMO.
Dad had a long-handled square spade we’d use to chop ice if we weren’t fast enough with the shovel. I always thought “spear” (of which harpoons are a type) when wielding it. In particular Odin’s spear Grugnir. Mine has a shovel handle (I think it’s actually a sawed-off spade-shaped spade) so not as fun.
Zero-Gabriel almost 11 years ago
Snow plow…
TheSkulker almost 11 years ago
Saw that coming!
puggles almost 11 years ago
Dean is still in Captain Ahab and Moby Dick mode. The “weapon” to strike deep and hold fast" against the snow is, of course, the snow shovel. Extremely clever series, IMO.
Comic Minister Premium Member almost 11 years ago
Get shoveling Dean!
Sailor46 USN 65-95 almost 11 years ago
It’s better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. So would a blow torch work better than the shovel.
gcarlson almost 11 years ago
Dad had a long-handled square spade we’d use to chop ice if we weren’t fast enough with the shovel. I always thought “spear” (of which harpoons are a type) when wielding it. In particular Odin’s spear Grugnir. Mine has a shovel handle (I think it’s actually a sawed-off spade-shaped spade) so not as fun.
Decepticomic almost 4 years ago
Dig Dug.