When I was 18. 18 years old, I saw for the first time in my life. I saw an image of clarity. I saw a comic strip. a three panel comic strip that, though simple as it seemed, changed me. changed my being, changed who I am. Made me who I am. Enlightened me. The strip, Garfield, the comic strip was new. no more than maybe a month and a half since inception, since. since coming into existence. and there it was before me in print, I saw it. a comic strip. What was it called? Garfield. The story here is of a man, a plain man. He is Jon, but he is more than that. I will get to this later, but first let us say that he’s Jon, a plain man. And then there is a cat. Garfield. This is the nature of the world, here. When I see the world, the politics, the future, the. the satellites in space, and. the people who put them there. You can look at everything as a man and a cat. two beings, in harmony and at war. So, this strip I saw; this man, Jon, and the cat, Garfield, you see. Yes. hmm. It is about everything. This. little comic is, oh, lo and behold. not so little anymore. So yes, when I was 18, I saw this comic. and it hit me all at once, its power. I clipped it, and every day, I looked at it, and I said “Okay. let me look at this here. What is this doing to me? Why is this so powerful?” Jon Arbuckle, he sits here, legs crossed. comfortable in his home, and he reads his newspaper. The news of the world, perhaps. and then he extends his fingers lightly, delicately. he taps his fingers on an end table, and he feels for something. What is it? It is something he needs, but it is not there. And then he looks up, slightly cockeyed, and he thinks. His newspaper’s in his lap now, and he thinks this. Now where could my pipe be? This. I always come to this, because I was a young man. I’m older now, and I still don’t have the secrets, the answers, so this question still rings true, Jon looks up and he thinks. Now where could my pipe be? And then it happens.
SHAKEDOWNVILLE almost 3 years ago
“Al Bino” formerly of “Canned” Heat.
top cat james almost 3 years ago
If only the syndicate would grow a pair, and replace Gallagher.
monkeysky almost 3 years ago
Got so excited to see the garbage ape that I nearly commented with a swear word
pategar almost 3 years ago
Willow Grove! Does this strip have a 2 day lead time?
Gent almost 3 years ago
That ape. There he goes Can Can dancing again.
philwinn almost 3 years ago
That’s not the Ape. It’s his smaller cousin the Garbage Yeti.
spaceagesoul almost 3 years ago
I don’t get the punchline.
pategar almost 3 years ago
Garbage Ape has never made sense, and Yeti continues.
mpearl almost 3 years ago
another overworked concept from this simpleton. like i said, you have to be under 8 years old to get it.
A R V reader almost 3 years ago
I was just about to say they’ve forgot to color in the Garbage Ape’s fur.
Healthcliff almost 3 years ago
We must rejoice at the appearance of the Garbage Ape.
Comicfan (C) almost 3 years ago
And then he said…..
When I was 18. 18 years old, I saw for the first time in my life. I saw an image of clarity. I saw a comic strip. a three panel comic strip that, though simple as it seemed, changed me. changed my being, changed who I am. Made me who I am. Enlightened me. The strip, Garfield, the comic strip was new. no more than maybe a month and a half since inception, since. since coming into existence. and there it was before me in print, I saw it. a comic strip. What was it called? Garfield. The story here is of a man, a plain man. He is Jon, but he is more than that. I will get to this later, but first let us say that he’s Jon, a plain man. And then there is a cat. Garfield. This is the nature of the world, here. When I see the world, the politics, the future, the. the satellites in space, and. the people who put them there. You can look at everything as a man and a cat. two beings, in harmony and at war. So, this strip I saw; this man, Jon, and the cat, Garfield, you see. Yes. hmm. It is about everything. This. little comic is, oh, lo and behold. not so little anymore. So yes, when I was 18, I saw this comic. and it hit me all at once, its power. I clipped it, and every day, I looked at it, and I said “Okay. let me look at this here. What is this doing to me? Why is this so powerful?” Jon Arbuckle, he sits here, legs crossed. comfortable in his home, and he reads his newspaper. The news of the world, perhaps. and then he extends his fingers lightly, delicately. he taps his fingers on an end table, and he feels for something. What is it? It is something he needs, but it is not there. And then he looks up, slightly cockeyed, and he thinks. His newspaper’s in his lap now, and he thinks this. Now where could my pipe be? This. I always come to this, because I was a young man. I’m older now, and I still don’t have the secrets, the answers, so this question still rings true, Jon looks up and he thinks. Now where could my pipe be? And then it happens.
Comicfan (C) almost 3 years ago
Rufst du, mein Vaterland Sieh uns mit Herz und Hand,
All dir geweiht
Heil dir, Helvetia!
Hast noch der Söhne ja,
Wie sie Sankt Jakob sah,
Freudvoll zum Streit!
2nd VerseDa, wo der Alpenkreis
Nicht dich zu schützen weiß
Wall dir von Gott,
Stehn wir den Felsen gleich,
Nie vor Gefahren bleich,
Froh noch im Todesstreich,
Schmerz uns ein Spott.
3rd VerseNährst uns so mild und treu,
Hegst uns so stark und frei,
Du Hochlandbrust!
Sei denn im Feld der Not,
Wenn Dir Verderben droht,
Blut uns ein Morgenrot,
Tagwerk der Lust.
4. VerseSanft wie der Alpensee,
Sturmlos am Gletscherschnee
Webt unser Mut.
Graus tobt der See, geschreckt,
Wenn ihn Gewitter deckt,
So wir zum Kampf erweckt,
Wut wider Wut.
5. VerseUnd wie Lawinenlast
Vorstürzt mit Blitzeshast –
Grab allumher –
Werf in den Alpenpfad,
Wenn der Zerstörer naht,
Rings sich Kartätschensaat
Todtragend schwer.
6. VerseVaterland, ewig frei,
Sei unser Feldgeschrei,
Sieg oder Tod!
Frei lebt, wer sterben kann,
Frei, wer die Heldenbahn
Steigt als ein Tell hinan
. Mit uns der Gott!
7. StropheDoch, wo der Friede lacht
Nach der empörten Schlacht
Drangvollem Spiel,
O da viel schöner, traun,
Fern von der Waffen Grau’n,
Heimat, dein Glück zu bau’n
Winkt uns das Ziel!