Ink Pen by Phil Dunlap for October 23, 2015
Dynaman: See, Hamhock, this is a newspaper! It's full of articles about current events! Hamhock: So it's kinda like a blog that's not on the Internet! Dynaman: No, it's like a collection of respected journalists reporting actual events that have been fact-checked by an editorial staff! Hamhock: Oh, it'll never get on the Internet like that...
Carl Premium Member over 9 years ago
Respected, fact checked, please. Just another media corporation chasing dollars like TV news. Newspapers are just quicker to get through and its easier to ignore the ads and deadwood.
StoicLion1973 over 9 years ago
Fact checking editors? Today’s newspapers use kitschy phrases like ‘pants on fire’ or a number of ‘Pinocchios’ to tell us how factual a story is.
puddleglum1066 over 9 years ago
Through the 19th and well into the 20th century, newspapers were no more accurate than the internet is now. Publishers were not at all reluctant to slant the reporting, make stuff up and even try to start wars in order to boost sales or otherwise accomplish their agendas. The notion of “journalistic ethics” is a recent development, coming just in time to see its medium replaced.