JumpStart by Robb Armstrong for November 15, 2015
Bless you! would you be interested in joining the rewards program? I know that guy. the homeless man? He came to my school. He did? wearing a santa claus costume. are you sure about that, Jojo? I never forget anyones face. like father... Id better let joe know about that guy! hes officer O'Rourke undercover "street guy" and santa.
Olddog1 about 9 years ago
Let’s hope officer O’Rourke doesn’t run into anyone he went to high school with. Could be embarresing.
mafastore about 9 years ago
We have a Walmart and a supermarket (the Walmart does not have a supermarket) which share a parking lot. There was for years and years a person who appeared to be a homeless person who sat between the two stores, day after day. He never asked for a handout. He would walk into either store and use the bathroom or hang out and warm up there with no question. Everyone in the area referred to him as the undercover cop. We never knew if he was one or not, but he would disappear once or twice a year for a week, maybe two and then be back. When he disappeared a different homeless looking person appeared leaving us to think maybe he really was an undercover cop.