La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for February 03, 2010
Radio: There is nothing wrong with our American health care system. I recently had some chest pains. If this happens to you, simply leave your posh resort, hit a Hawaiian hospital and pay cash- or with your gold card- and you will be just fine. Person: Rush! Rush!! I'm having chest pains but I'm uninsured! Radio: This is radio, not a "walkie-talkie"!
Here are just a few of the things wrong with the American healthcare system after over 50 years of government interference:
1) Almost all individual responsibility has been drained out of the system so now everyone expects someone else to pay for everything, and if they don’t, it’s considered a “crisis”.
2) Thanks to the entitlement attitude, almost all once-common medical charity has been eliminated.
3) As two doctors recently admitted to my face, of COURSE they have to over-test and over-treat out, of fear of lawsuits thanks to swarms of trial lawyers, thus of course increasing costs.
4) State and Federal requirements have metastasized medical record keeping, reporting, and billing into a hungry monster. Gone are the days when a doctor’s office was a doctor, a nurse, and sometimes a separate receptionist. Now they need a fully-staffed office just to shuffle the paperwork.
BTW, a great vote of confidence for the Canadian system: The Premier of Newfoundland is coming to the U.S. for his heart surgery.