La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for October 11, 2010
Senor Cartoonist: Why have you not done a cartoon on the attempted coup in Ecuador? What if the US government is behind this vile takeover of a democratically elected government? If "La Cucaracha" does not run a comic about this coup, then you obviously love IMPERIALISM, you self-involved jerk. love, Gary. Dear Gary, I hope you like this cartoon on the coup in Ecuador. love, Cuco.
ronebofh over 14 years ago
If by “coup” you mean “ugly shooting fight between the police and army sparked by an egomaniac president”, then yes, it was a coup.
3hourtour Premium Member over 14 years ago
Americans don’t care about any Ecuador coups…now,trap some miners..there’s a story..
rockngolfer over 14 years ago
I guess whether a coup is reported on the news is if it is the coup-er or the coup-ee reporting
Dirty Dragon over 14 years ago
The US government didn’t care about the coup in Honduras, why would we care about Equador? There’s not even a “free trade” treaty involved in this one.
ronebofh over 14 years ago
Democratically elected presidents are quote often egomaniacs, even in these United States of America.