African Americans, Latino Americans and Indigenous (Original) Americans have long had low turnout because they felt their votes did not make a difference and that the Democratic Party just used them for votes but never gave them a place at the table.
Now we are seeing numerous elections being decided by African Americans, Latino Americans and Indigenous (Original) American turnout and they are seeing that, yes indeed, their votes DO often make the very big difference.
And we are seeing record numbers of women, LGBTQ community, African Americans, Latino Americans and Indigenous (Original) American individuals being elected and appointed to positions of real power so, yes indeed, they are now seeing that the most certainly do have a place at the table.
As a result, we are seeing increases in turnout from previously low-voting constituencies as the sleeping giants awaken.
African Americans, Latino Americans and Indigenous (Original) Americans have long had low turnout because they felt their votes did not make a difference and that the Democratic Party just used them for votes but never gave them a place at the table.
Now we are seeing numerous elections being decided by African Americans, Latino Americans and Indigenous (Original) American turnout and they are seeing that, yes indeed, their votes DO often make the very big difference.
And we are seeing record numbers of women, LGBTQ community, African Americans, Latino Americans and Indigenous (Original) American individuals being elected and appointed to positions of real power so, yes indeed, they are now seeing that the most certainly do have a place at the table.
As a result, we are seeing increases in turnout from previously low-voting constituencies as the sleeping giants awaken.