Now I like Mexican food – that said, I know I’ve only ever tasted the stuff that’s distantly related to real Mexican food. ..One day, I hope to taste the real thing. (Like an idiot, when I was in San Diego, later on, San Antone, I stupidly failed to take advantage of the locales…)
Templo S.U.D. over 4 years ago
William Bednar Premium Member over 4 years ago
Wow. Taco Guy’s tacos must be really good.
kd1sq Premium Member over 4 years ago
Now I like Mexican food – that said, I know I’ve only ever tasted the stuff that’s distantly related to real Mexican food. ..One day, I hope to taste the real thing. (Like an idiot, when I was in San Diego, later on, San Antone, I stupidly failed to take advantage of the locales…)
CoffeeBob Premium Member over 4 years ago
Protect the Taco Cart Guy! Toss the PansyPatriotBeaus into the flaming dumpsters!!