I still have fond memories of leaving grass for the camels the night before on three kings day. I first heard of Christmas when I got to the states at seven years old.
“This here’s the Orthodox side of town, you see? And here on the Orthodox side of town us Three Kings manage the present distribution. Ya unnerstand, Claus? Good, cuz ya’s only gets one warning.”
Hanukkah was over just a few days ago, but often it’s quite near Christmas. My happiest memories of Christmas in New Yawk, like the estimable Monchoxyz’s (above) also involved grass – as witness this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2GOrdxCm6Q
Templo S.U.D. about 3 years ago
Yikes. Three against one.
cdward about 3 years ago
Tres Reyes?
Monchoxyz about 3 years ago
I still have fond memories of leaving grass for the camels the night before on three kings day. I first heard of Christmas when I got to the states at seven years old.
mistercatworks about 3 years ago
“Wise guys”
schaefer jim about 3 years ago
Going some be some heat going be flashing around and some people going get hurt. How gang wars for started
Durak Premium Member about 3 years ago
“This here’s the Orthodox side of town, you see? And here on the Orthodox side of town us Three Kings manage the present distribution. Ya unnerstand, Claus? Good, cuz ya’s only gets one warning.”
Walter Kocker about 3 years ago
Hanukkah was over just a few days ago, but often it’s quite near Christmas. My happiest memories of Christmas in New Yawk, like the estimable Monchoxyz’s (above) also involved grass – as witness this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2GOrdxCm6Q