It reminds me of a time when just as I turned a sharp corner going uphill There was a Bull Elk in the middle of the road guarding his harem as they were crossing it. Luckily the hill and turn made me go slow at the time so I could stop before my car was customed by crunch.
Wildlife overpasses work because most animals will not enter the wildlife tunnels that were popular in the past. They avoid enclosed spaces. Some of the overpasses are even planted with grass and shrubs.
mr_sherman Premium Member over 3 years ago
It reminds me of a time when just as I turned a sharp corner going uphill There was a Bull Elk in the middle of the road guarding his harem as they were crossing it. Luckily the hill and turn made me go slow at the time so I could stop before my car was customed by crunch.
Linguist over 3 years ago
The buck stops here.
Znox11 over 3 years ago
I’ve always wondered how the deer know to cross at the deer crossing sign.
WCraft over 3 years ago
Having had one tangle with a deer in our family while driving, I’m really wishing that was a real thing!
The Brooklyn Accent Premium Member over 3 years ago
Utah built a bridge for the deer, bears, and bobcats to cross a highway. It seems to work. Perhaps more states could do this in more places.
mistercatworks over 3 years ago
In the UK, they have “zebra crossings”, so-called because there are black and white stripes on the crosswalk.
julie.mason1 Premium Member over 3 years ago
Wildlife overpasses work because most animals will not enter the wildlife tunnels that were popular in the past. They avoid enclosed spaces. Some of the overpasses are even planted with grass and shrubs.
paullp Premium Member over 3 years ago
How does the crossing guard do his job when he has that “deer in the headlights” look?