the cat was playing with a captured mouse. he tied the stick with the mouse’s tail and released the mouse. the mouse attempts to return through the mouse hole. only thing missing is that my cats administer a bite to the prey’s upper spinal cord, so movement is limited.
naturally_easy almost 11 years ago
I don’t get it, either/
pcolli almost 11 years ago
Smarter than the average cat, Stu Stu.
ekw555 almost 11 years ago
is that his tail tied through the mouse hole?
Zen-of-Zinfandel almost 11 years ago
Smart enough to play cowbell?
patsy62 almost 11 years ago
Sooo…anybody who gets it, please explain.
celeconecca almost 11 years ago
thinking the two hole theory proposed by ekw is correct. Just wish the tail knot was more obviously a cat’s tail.
dwpbike almost 11 years ago
the cat was playing with a captured mouse. he tied the stick with the mouse’s tail and released the mouse. the mouse attempts to return through the mouse hole. only thing missing is that my cats administer a bite to the prey’s upper spinal cord, so movement is limited.
Jeff0811 almost 11 years ago
Seems the above comments are correct, mice can tie knots now, about as well as cats can speak.