Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 01, 2016
Luann: Is this about Piro? 'cuz powerhouse women aren't about guys. Bernice: oh? you were just all gaga 'cuz some guys showed an interest in you. Luann: Powerhouse women choose to enjoy the compliments. But powerhouse women don't need the complimenters. Bernice: Well, I'm not a powerhouse woman. just accept it. Luann: Powerhouse women never accept the unacceptable! PW's rule the rules! Bernice: Ok. you're just making stuff up.
Templo S.U.D. over 8 years ago
where did Luann learn all that? from Pru?
Brdshtt Premium Member over 8 years ago
I agree with Bernie – I think she’s just making things up.
Just like they did with the comments section to fight off “Spammers”
Ida No over 8 years ago
Three new interviews in the last few days, if you want to read them.
If you missed this one, Davy Jones (Charmys Army):
New poll question – Should army ants make love, not war?
If you also missed this one, Jim Benson (Jim Benson Cartoons):
Poll: Do you own any It’s Happy Bunny goods?
Melissa Lomax (Doodle Town):
Poll: Did you get enough candy for this year’s Halloween?
ORMouseworks over 8 years ago
I am having trouble understanding where GE is going with Bernice’s angst…it is so out of character for her. Hmmm…maybe he Likes this new twist of Bernice’s personality. Like she is going through a new life experience where She is the one who hasn’t a clue as to how to get where she’d like to go…this is usually Luann’s problem. =-O
ORMouseworks over 8 years ago
Can I make a comment about the choice for Toni’s wedding dress template? I fell “in love” with dress #232… I don’t think the winning dress design (#365) “fits” what I see as Toni’s personality. I know the “mermaid” wedding dress design is extremely popular today…and it does suit a lot of brides. I just can’t see Toni wearing this style of dress…I really don’t think it is “her.” But, that is JMHO…obviously the dress that was chosen was what most posters liked…
riddlemethis over 8 years ago
Bern should go with Gunther.
RH3 over 8 years ago
Powerhouse women work at the Powerhouse Museum or Arts Centre.
ORMouseworks over 8 years ago
Well, it is time to pick up after the trick-or-treaters… Happy November the 1st! :)
Argythree over 8 years ago
For years, posters complained that Luann was just all about boys, boys, boys and nothing else but. She takes one step away from that, and everyone complains.
Make up your minds, people. Do you want her to start growing up and realizing that she doesn’t just have to live her life to be someone’s arm candy, or what?
Mikeyj over 8 years ago
Powerhouse women get electrocuted a lot
live2read over 8 years ago
Boy, Luann sure knows how to justify her boy-craziness, doesn’t she? Even when she’s ready to collect Social Security, she’ll still be going ga-ga over boys—oops, I mean men.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 8 years ago
“I Am Woman,”
“Hear Me BORE!”
“If You Don’t Like it,”
“There’s the DOOR!”
margaretannehill over 8 years ago
PWs are the face saving alternative to being in a relationship with someone who matters. I wish Quill could attend the wedding.
kenhense over 8 years ago
Luann may be on to something… Powerhouse Women don’t wait for guys – guys are waiting for them…
AnyFace over 8 years ago
For those who think I’m kidding about Powerhouse Pepper, his stories were published by Timely Comics, the predecessor to Marvel Comics …
So where’s the “Powerhouse Pepper” movie?
JayBluE over 8 years ago
Everyone thinks Luann is becoming all “Powerhouse”-y, and stuff, and all it really boils down to, is Luann is trying to save face, now that Bernice has called out Luann’s “Hypo critical Oath”… Luann is backtracking and calling audibles on the fly, in an "Well…. Uh… This isn’t about me!… " sort of moment… In other words, a typical Luann moment of comic gold….
Sort of reminds me of the line in a Talking Heads song: “…(♪)We’ll make it up, as we go along….(♪)”
eclark over 8 years ago
Powerhouse women are ALL about guys! Everything they do they compare to how a guy would do it.
JayBluE over 8 years ago
“The Law Of ‘Average People’ "
“What’s Good For The Goose, Isn’t Good For The Gander Who Wrote The Book”
“Sub-standard Bearers”
“Taking The Hypocritical Oath”
“Shifting The Goalpost, In Overtime”
“Baloney That Don’t Cut The Mustard”
“Kitty’s Got Clause”
“The Protection Racket”
“An Ill Fitting Vested Interest”
“…And You Can Call Me Alibi” (♪)
“People In Glass Powerhouses Shouldn’t Throw Out Their Issues Of Rolling Stone”
“I Know You Are… But What Am I?”
“Clause And Effect”
Tyge over 8 years ago
Luann doesn’t seem very attuned to her BFF’s feelings in this arc. In fact she seems all pumped up over male attention; all seemingly revolving around Gunther’s dress.
2Goldfish over 8 years ago
Bernice is just a drag… accept it.
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
Bernice has developed an art of planning and scheduling her way out of life experiences. She needs some more of the magic brownies ( that weren’t, but still).
Rob Smith Premium Member over 8 years ago
Unfortunately, Luann is not kidding. She has totally grasped the concept.
æ² over 8 years ago
The question is, how many guys are interested in powerhouse women?
I worked at a place years ago with a woman in my department who was determined to be a powerhouse woman, climb the corporate ladder, be in charge. Her name was Catherine Anderson, and she was so determined to be a powerhouse woman that she legally changed her name to Athena Powers. And yes, she climbed the ladder with that name. She was a powerhouse (at least, according to her), and she was intimidating, overbearing, and anything but a pleasant person to be around.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Luann is trying to get Bernice enough out of her funk that she can work on figuring out some solutions or at least deal better with life, and it is working. She is doing what a real friend does, amd is using comedy, which is one of her strengths.
Vorticia over 8 years ago
Um Luann…stop being jerky.
3pibgorn9 over 8 years ago
Nor should she be.
Airman over 8 years ago
Luann is just being her own motivational speaker, psyching herself up. It won’t last. But, Bernice is beyond bland, she is totally lacking in chemistry. She would fit nicely as a desk clerk in a senior citizen, assisted living facility. A touch of makeup, and more “interesting” neckline on her tops would go a long way. Like Tiffany told Gunther, “I’m a tease, not a sleeze.”
old_timey_dude over 8 years ago
They’re both powerful, in a way that only lukewarm dirty dishwater can be powerful.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Paragraphing is GONE again with EITHER the reply box or the comments box when using the return return period return return approach. Ohhhhhh, they just are making their product sooooooo attractive compared to the competition by removing its big value-added…
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
Commenting shouldn’t be this difficult!
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Let me see if now that the full recent level of functionality appears to be back, if i can clean up a post:
SukieCrandall GoComics PRO Member said, 39 minutes agoSukieCrandall GoComics PRO Member said, 21 minutes ago@Make Mine Marvel*YOUR COMMENT IS WONDERFUL! It was worth shouting about.
I had already read some great ones today like some from Dog, Brd, Argy and others, but you said it so beautifully when you wrote:
QUOTE. Make Mine Marvel said, about 1 hour ago
@Schrodinger’s Dog
I completely agree. In fact, it’s been my experience that when someone, male or female, shows overbearing tendencies, it’s more often coming from a self-perception of weakness than from true strength.
Jimmy Carter put it pretty well: “A strong nation, like a strong person, can afford to be gentle, firm, thoughtful and restrained. It can afford to extend a helping hand to others. It is a weak nation, like a weak person, that must behave with bluster and boasting and rashness and other signs of insecurity”…
Read almost any Heinlein story for an example of powerful women who feel no need to prove anything. END QUOTE.
i absolutely loved that post!
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
I am going to now remove the larger of my posts from when paragraphing temporarily failed. My post about twenty minutes ago was my third attempt to get it to work right and by then they had repaired it, so that try worked. BTW, in the first one some lines of text wound up in the wrong places, too, so they had more broken than just paragraphing then.
Schrodinger's Dog over 8 years ago
I note it takes twice as many clicks to navigate here than the old site, since your comics page doesn’t automatically come up when you log in, and the comments themselves aren’t immediately opened.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Hey, i can understand how as newbie you might feel shut out, but you are not. If – instead of almost constantly engaging in insults – you jusy engaged in some of the play, or thanked people for insightful and constructive posts you would find that your being new to this site “these days” makes no difference at all. Most people here tend to be very welcoming and friendly, but people being friendly toward others also requires those other people being friendly themselves.
Airman over 8 years ago
In an attempt to offend no one, I will simply state my case. Greg is capable of drawing attractive characters: Tiffany, Rosa, Nancy, Crystal, Delta, Toni, and even Ann Eiffel. Only Bernice and Luann are lipless children who have failed to become women. Luann is a potato head with a never changing hair style and Bernice is so plain that only Margo Phelps has her beat in the race for the bottom.
Terminal Frost Premium Member over 8 years ago
Why does everyone here seem to expect LuAnn to behave differently than a typical happy 19 year old girl? Why is it she isn’t allowed to ‘try on’ different approaches to life, be happy about her brother’s wedding, enjoy some attention and compliments about herself, and goof around WITH HER FRIEND. Busting chops as we call it is done in fun. Bernice’s ‘snarkyness’ is to my eyes often dry humor, done as a joke.
My wife, one of the kindest people you could ever meet, is great at this. deadpan humor, expressionless, timing it out to the very limit, and then that twinkle in the eye happens.
I have seen many posts on these comments for months now, that assume so much from day to day, when in fact the events depicted are often occuring within minutes of each other in their world. Example, Brad getting pissed off about Toni’s brother, means he NEEDS anger management. Shannon getting upset and crying about something is being an obnoxious little brat. Toni not smiling at Brad like an airhead when something happens means she doesn’t love him anymore. TJ is ALWAYS a bad guy, Quill is ALWAYS a jerk, Tiffany is always a slut, etc etc etc.Greg Evans has evolved these characters a LOT, they have changed.
JPuzzleWhiz over 8 years ago
It’s pretty bad here these days. BS, A3, and MW never shut up. Look at us, we’re fabulous! Take this crap to FB, and stop the 3 spammers.
I’m more concerned with the flame-baiters. A certain somebody seems to come to mind…
Sisyphos over 8 years ago
Shockingly, the “Bernice” character has stumbled upon the secret of this whole comic strip!
It’s all made up! (In the same tone of voice in which Charlton Heston announced that Soylent Green was HUMAN)….
RSH over 8 years ago
Luann is always making up some new persona or image for herself. To me, Bernie is the more honest and human of the two…. straight up… , ‘what you see is what you get’. She doesn’t try to be something that she knows she is not. Luann feels the need to re-invent herself instead of trying to find out what that ‘self’ really is.
SukieCrandall Premium Member over 8 years ago
Spoiler: Surprise! Look who wore the same outfit!
Cavenee Lonnie Premium Member over 8 years ago
We got to rule the rules! (surprised no one referred to this already)
Cavenee Lonnie Premium Member over 8 years ago
Are you a Pete Townshend fan GE?