Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for November 16, 2016
Brad: This'll be a first for us, Toni. You nervous? Toni: A little. Are you? Brad: Yeah. But we've got our training,got our gear... Toni: And we've got each other. I'm glad I'm doing it with you, Brad. Man: you two talkin' 'bout the wildfire or your honeymoon?
Here’s my prognostication on an arc that Karen will publish 20 years from now. The Constitution will have been amended to open the presidency to naturalized citizens. Quill will run as the GOP candidate. He’s fully qualified, as he has blond hair, has been to New York often, is adept at theatrics, and knows with certainty that he’s God’s gift to women. He will have married a beautiful actress who is 20 years his junior.
Luann, being a powerhouse woman, will run as the Democratic candidate, with Pru as her campaign manager. She will want to break the glass ceiling, which still will not have happened in the two decades prior. Luann will have married Gunther, as he’s the most passive guy in the strip and will never oppose her on anything. A month before the election, TJ, as the FBI director, will briefly investigate Luann’s college-age double use of her bridesmaid dress as an art project to see if it amounted to a misappropriation of resources.
Who wins the election is Karen’s call, as the system is admittedly rigged. However, she may publish two parallel universes to show what happens if either wins. If Quill wins, some readers on this blog who favor Luann will flee to Canada in despair. If Luann wins, there will be a constitutional crisis over whether her evening gown or Gunther’s tuxedo goes in the Smithsonian. The crisis will be averted when Pru talks Luann into wearing a tux, and Gunther proudly wears the evening gown of his own design. Golly – with enough political correctness and a little imagination, you can resolve anything.