Let me get my comment in before the misopedists take over completely. For those not in the know, a misopedist has an abnormal hatred of children. In this case so many trolls are focused on how disgusting this phobia is in commenting on a child character, that they miss the beautiful point of this comic arc. Brad is patiently talking to Shannon, and she is responding and not as a brat, which should be forbidden on this comment board. So stupid. She is a child which the last panel shows. And she does funny things as a child. But child haters cannot see that, all they see is their need to get attention by expressing silly hatred. Please go hate somewhere else, the internet is a big place.
Let me get my comment in before the misopedists take over completely. For those not in the know, a misopedist has an abnormal hatred of children. In this case so many trolls are focused on how disgusting this phobia is in commenting on a child character, that they miss the beautiful point of this comic arc. Brad is patiently talking to Shannon, and she is responding and not as a brat, which should be forbidden on this comment board. So stupid. She is a child which the last panel shows. And she does funny things as a child. But child haters cannot see that, all they see is their need to get attention by expressing silly hatred. Please go hate somewhere else, the internet is a big place.