It actually has a much wider and more inclusive definition as anyone with strict political thoughts. It was used during the McCarthy/Eisenhower era to lend itself to Commies. Of course several of my relatives in unions in the PA area were named as Commies in the newspapers. The family members got fired in the steel and coal industries but the media never got. It was a different time, right?
MS72 6 months ago
We all thought Jane Fonda was one.
Stodgefinn Premium Member 6 months ago
Hanoi Jane was a traitor.
Linguist 6 months ago
I thought apparatchik was one of those female influencers on TikTok.
jandjdevore 6 months ago
Oh, yeah! She definitely is still one.
gustoons Premium Member 6 months ago
Wow, learned a new word. Pastis has puns but Lester has Word-o-the-day.
Brent Rosenthal Premium Member 6 months ago
Wonder what George Hamilton’s standard of romantic is
I Mad Am I 6 months ago
Thank Goodness it’s Saturday!
jandjdevore 6 months ago
It actually has a much wider and more inclusive definition as anyone with strict political thoughts. It was used during the McCarthy/Eisenhower era to lend itself to Commies. Of course several of my relatives in unions in the PA area were named as Commies in the newspapers. The family members got fired in the steel and coal industries but the media never got. It was a different time, right?
mistercatworks 6 months ago
Seriously, ancient Soviet-era political jargon?