Let’s analyze the ways this strip is utterly awful and without any redeeming quality. (1) The drawing, as usual, is terrible. (2) First panel: “Where are you going with that?” No one would ask this. He’s carrying garbage outside, moron. What do you think? (3) First panel. You don’t carry your garbage outside “as a public service.” The public service is that they pick it up for you. You put your garbage outside to benefit only you. If anything, it’s a public eyesore. (4) Second panel: inappropriate screeching of Francis’ name as if time is of the essence and Momma must stop him before it’s too late. (5) Momma’s “punchline” goes against everything the character stands for: having her kids close to home and working, not moved away.
Seriously, ZERO thought was put into this piece of garbage. It’s three scribbles built around a hackneyed groaner. Lazarus thought of a terrible joke and built a strip around it, not caring about his own characters’ traits or how logical any of it sounded. When I compare this to Peanuts or Bloom County or Li’l Abner or, heck, even Pearl Before Swine, I CANNOT understand why this useless trash isn’t removed from the papers to give room to people who are actually funny and put effort into their drawing.
lightenup Premium Member about 12 years ago
Yeah, c’mon, Momma, he’s doing some work for once – praise him a little!!
dwilliams_72206 about 12 years ago
Does it really?
ensiform about 12 years ago
Let’s analyze the ways this strip is utterly awful and without any redeeming quality. (1) The drawing, as usual, is terrible. (2) First panel: “Where are you going with that?” No one would ask this. He’s carrying garbage outside, moron. What do you think? (3) First panel. You don’t carry your garbage outside “as a public service.” The public service is that they pick it up for you. You put your garbage outside to benefit only you. If anything, it’s a public eyesore. (4) Second panel: inappropriate screeching of Francis’ name as if time is of the essence and Momma must stop him before it’s too late. (5) Momma’s “punchline” goes against everything the character stands for: having her kids close to home and working, not moved away.
Seriously, ZERO thought was put into this piece of garbage. It’s three scribbles built around a hackneyed groaner. Lazarus thought of a terrible joke and built a strip around it, not caring about his own characters’ traits or how logical any of it sounded. When I compare this to Peanuts or Bloom County or Li’l Abner or, heck, even Pearl Before Swine, I CANNOT understand why this useless trash isn’t removed from the papers to give room to people who are actually funny and put effort into their drawing.
dwilliams_72206 about 12 years ago
Exodus 21:15But it doesn’t really say “stoned to death in the public square.”
steelersneo about 12 years ago
Reference please