since the last time Nutt and Jeff was published in 1882 – and G.W.B. – George W. Bush – wasn’t elected until 2000 – 18 years later – it is pretty obvious that this is yet another instance of someone somewhere believing they were making this strip more “relevant” by tossing the original conversation and causing the whole strip to end up being totally meaningless. Based on the drawing style, my guess is that the original strip talked about H.S.T. – Harry S. Truman.
since the last time Nutt and Jeff was published in 1882 – and G.W.B. – George W. Bush – wasn’t elected until 2000 – 18 years later – it is pretty obvious that this is yet another instance of someone somewhere believing they were making this strip more “relevant” by tossing the original conversation and causing the whole strip to end up being totally meaningless. Based on the drawing style, my guess is that the original strip talked about H.S.T. – Harry S. Truman.