Friend of mine knew a guy who worked for a drug company. The company had come up with a new product, and for some unknown reason had an internal contest to come up with its name. The winner: “Obecalp.” Labels were designed, logos created, marketing materials crafted… and then, the contest winner pointed out that the name was just “Placebo” spelled backwards…
I took medication that was actually marked “placebo,” but I didn’t know what it meant at the time and I never bothered to look it up. They looked and tasted like very small cinnamon candy. I had complained about hearing noises at night. Probably hearing damage, like a ringing in the ears but at a very low register.
I was experiencing such bad pain so I went to an urgent care. They prescribed something I had never heard of, and the first thing I asked the pharmacist was if the prescription was a “get out of my emergency room” placebo. It wasn’t, thank heavens. I’ve seen those prescribed many a time back in the 80s when I was an RN.
Me3000 about 11 years ago
no its for sugar
Wenthral about 11 years ago
How about “P” for Pill?
mntim about 11 years ago
They did a study once. Placebos work even if the patient knows it’s a placebo. Weird. This requires more study.
SKJAM! Premium Member about 11 years ago
We need only ask Hamlet’s first patient, Ophelia, how well the treatment went.
puddleglum1066 about 11 years ago
Friend of mine knew a guy who worked for a drug company. The company had come up with a new product, and for some unknown reason had an internal contest to come up with its name. The winner: “Obecalp.” Labels were designed, logos created, marketing materials crafted… and then, the contest winner pointed out that the name was just “Placebo” spelled backwards…
Ermine Notyours about 11 years ago
I took medication that was actually marked “placebo,” but I didn’t know what it meant at the time and I never bothered to look it up. They looked and tasted like very small cinnamon candy. I had complained about hearing noises at night. Probably hearing damage, like a ringing in the ears but at a very low register.
celeconecca about 11 years ago
I was experiencing such bad pain so I went to an urgent care. They prescribed something I had never heard of, and the first thing I asked the pharmacist was if the prescription was a “get out of my emergency room” placebo. It wasn’t, thank heavens. I’ve seen those prescribed many a time back in the 80s when I was an RN.
Weakstream about 11 years ago
The colorist missed the tree in 1st frame
Sisyphos about 11 years ago
Worst ever! But if it works for Boody, we’ll forgive and forget all your self-doubt!A real prince among psychiatrists!
Radical-Knight about 11 years ago
…works for me!
bmonk about 11 years ago
Give him a stronger placebo!