Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for January 10, 2013
Man: BISHOP BUSHMILLER, I'd like to request making my TRANSFER to the THREE ROCKS interfaith STREET MISSION a perm-anent move. Brown haired man: Phil, you have a good job at a THRIVING MISSION back here-- And THAT mission has been FAILING. Man: Bishop Bushmiller, I understand---But, I have a feeling about THIS ONE-- I think we can TURN IT AROUND. Brown haired man: PHIL-- I have a sense there's something else at work in your heart--HM? Man: Your excellency---I'M ALSO---Um---Well---IN---Uh--Err-- Brown haired man: I believe the word you're stumb-ling over is "LOVE", son.
If Phil marries, the strip will end.