Nancy by Olivia Jaimes for July 10, 2013
Aunt Fritzi: Sluggo, please promise me you won't do some-thing dangerous like that again! Sluggo: I'm sorry, but I CAN'T! Like JOHN WAYNE said,"some-times a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!" Aunt Fritzi: But you're a CHILD! Sluggo: I think THE DUKE would say,"sometimes---TROUBLE don't wait for ya to grow up, kid"!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Elvira is 40? Hoo-Boy!!!
JayBluE over 11 years ago
Ahhh….that’s right…. pilgrim…..
BillWa over 11 years ago
Man, Fritzi just got slammed. A lot of maturity in that boy. If not me, Who? If not now, When? If not Here, When?
rondm66 over 11 years ago
She still on Sluggo’s case.
McGehee over 11 years ago
Don’t hunt trouble, but don’t count on trouble never huntin’ you.
Bill D. Kat Premium Member over 11 years ago
“Courage is being scared to death but saddling up anyway”
ambrozic over 11 years ago
Couple of reasons I’ve grown to like the ORB!
daveshomeroast over 11 years ago
“That’ll be the day …”
Zaristerex over 11 years ago
How fast you grow up depends on what kind of community you live in and who takes care of you. If kids have not many caretakers, they’ll grow up fast; if kids have lots of caretakers, they won’t grow up fast. I’m in my 30s and my dad still insists on doing certain things for me instead of encouraging/teaching me to do it on my own (and I’m not only talking about finances — broke young adults can contribute to a family plenty), and from what I’ve heard from my friends who are my same age, that’s somewhat common, and maybe that’s part of the cause of the arrested adolescence that’s prevalent in our society today. With that, I’ll put my soap box away.
alleyoops Premium Member over 11 years ago
I have an Oak Ridge Boys t-shirt. On the back are written the immortal words “Giddy up oom-poppa oom-poppa mow mow”. P.S.- My wife won’t let me wear it in public.
sundogusa over 11 years ago
I just love the advertising advertising.
Burnout70s over 11 years ago
She has the wrong shirt. It
moe_the_cat over 11 years ago
I always thought Gary Cooper said “man’s got to do…” in High Noon
BillWa over 11 years ago
Not sure how you got that, but oooooookay.
kaffekup over 11 years ago
Billwa, you inadvertently quoted Jewish sage Hillel. And very appropriately.
yeahbutt over 11 years ago
And Cassandra still looks good,
And thank you again for drawing Fritzi like Al Capp did Daisy Mae.
kaffekup over 11 years ago
Pretty close, though.
DRMFeint over 5 years ago
Frizi pretty much telling sluggo to not save innocent animals?