Nancy: This NEW cartoon is CRAZY! It's all GRAY!
Aunt Fritzi: It's a classic FLEISCHER POPEYE cartoon! It's perfect GENIUS!
Nancy: What computer program did they use to get all the COLOR out?
As I understand it, for a while after audiences were used to color in theater movies, " black-and-white" film was no longer available for movie making. Directors who wanted to show non-color segments for artistic reasons had to shoot in color and then convert it to black-and-white (now commonly called grayscale. And computers were used for the conversion..Film Noir is a category of filmed dramas that made excellent dramatic use of shadows and silhouettes to show mystery and suspense. Humphrey Bogart movies are an example. “In a Lonely Place” is one of my favorites..As far as cartoons, when I was young the only time I saw them in color was in theaters. Our family didn’t get a color TV set until I was 18 years old..
Argythree almost 9 years ago
Not surprising that Nancy would think this way…
emptc12 almost 9 years ago
As I understand it, for a while after audiences were used to color in theater movies, " black-and-white" film was no longer available for movie making. Directors who wanted to show non-color segments for artistic reasons had to shoot in color and then convert it to black-and-white (now commonly called grayscale. And computers were used for the conversion..Film Noir is a category of filmed dramas that made excellent dramatic use of shadows and silhouettes to show mystery and suspense. Humphrey Bogart movies are an example. “In a Lonely Place” is one of my favorites..As far as cartoons, when I was young the only time I saw them in color was in theaters. Our family didn’t get a color TV set until I was 18 years old..
jrankin1959 almost 9 years ago
“…so just look at them and smiiiiiile, and know they love you.”
Max Starman Jones almost 9 years ago
Calvin’s dad explained it better. He said that the film is actually color film, but the world was black-and-white back then.
I Go Pogo almost 9 years ago
Well blow me down!
Peter Gordon almost 9 years ago
Best cartoons ever.
Donnie Pitchford Premium Member almost 9 years ago
Wonderful strip, great tribute to Popeye!
harkherp almost 9 years ago
Wonder if Fritzie thinks Phil is strong to the finish too?,,,,,
jppjr almost 9 years ago
This cartoon brought to you in living black and white.
Spooky D Cat almost 9 years ago
Arf-arf-arf, that’s a good one, Nancy,
brklnbern almost 9 years ago
Good one.
Jim Kerner almost 9 years ago
I didn’t know that Ted did that? I’m glad that they stopped colorizing movies.