Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for March 25, 2007
Joe: Dang... out of gas. Lucy: What's this? Danae: A sure-fire, multibillion-dollar idea! Lucy: Really? What is it? Danae: A snow blower... that runs on snow!! Lucy: Wow! That's brilliant!! Danae: I know! I'm just amazed that no one thought of it before. Lucy: So how did you convert snow into energy? Danae: ... stupid reality... Lucy: Well, except for the sure-fire part, it's still a great idea.
“How did you convert snow into energy?”
Oh, well, that is doable. You just separate the water into hydrogen (an excellent fuel) and oxygen (the thing makes fuels burn). To separate them, the easiest way is to pass an electrical current through the water, and you get the electricity from…
Ugh… Stupid reality…