Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for May 24, 2009
Mad Scientist: ? Man 1: does your new media business template work? Man 2: We provide our content for free, then lay off everyone. Man 1: mean the ones who produce the content... Man 2: Uh-huh! Man 3: ...And that's how the modahn era of newspapahs was created. Woman: Sadly, that's the most logical explanation I've hahd so fah...
Wiley: I’d buy the paper but no single one prints the comics I like to read, so I go online. I’d buy the paper but our local rag is skewed so far to the right it can no longer be taken seriously (10 conservative columnists to 1 liberal). Don’t get me wrong, I was raised in the era of newspapers (Cleveland Press, Plain Dealer) and I miss them but they long ago ceased to be reliable sources of unbiased information. Their corporate owners bow to shareholders whims and advertisers wishes. It’s easier to just go online (and I don’t mind ads, I know my economics). I’m certainly not against paying for content either, but it better be quality work. I’m not going to pay good money for Drudge or Huffpost type of “news”.