Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for October 01, 2010

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    umg  over 14 years ago

    Reminds me that the Revelation of John symbolizes Satan as a dragon. The father of all bureaucracy? Oh, surely notā€¦ Ahahahaha

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  2. Silverknights
    JanLC  over 14 years ago

    Reminds me of ā€œDragonheartā€.

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  3. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 14 years ago

    So true. Thatā€™s one crafty dragon!

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    cdward  over 14 years ago

    Alternate solution: ā€œWar on Dragonism.ā€ That could go on endlessly without even having to fundraise!

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  5. Good morning
    kearleybe  over 14 years ago

    back in my day..Iā€™m 54, I actually had a teacher who taught us that war was good for the economy and was needed for ā€œpopulation controlā€ā€¦.thatā€™s about as hard core as you can getā€¦and the sad part is, most accept it as fact..

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    Potrzebie  over 14 years ago

    How long was Polio researched before the cure? Somewhere there are stories of illnesses that had fundraisers and were actually cured!

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    yogakim  over 14 years ago

    I was thinking of this not only from the ā€œwarā€ prospective but also for all the large fundraisig groups that are looking for cures and suchā€¦.granted, they do tend to be helpful but what would happen if there really was a cure for cancerā€¦.what would the Am. Cancer Society do thenā€¦.just being antagonistic this morningā€¦

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  8. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  over 14 years ago

    POTREBIE Didnā€™t Salk develop his vaccine independently of those proffessional fundraisers? They saw they were without a job so they switched to birth defects, so many causes that they will be employed till Gabriel blows his horn and someone has to account.

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    jaredcormier  over 14 years ago

    A cure for cancer wonā€™t happen; a cure for a specific type, possibly, but each form of cancer is different and needs to be targeted in a specific way. Unfortunately, one-size-fits-all treatments we are so accustomed to (for bacterial and fungal infection) donā€™t work with cancer or many types of retroviruses. If a cure were found, however, the researcher would probably do just like all other research in this field; publish it. Once published and tested by other researchers, the original discoverer would likely receive an award of some kind and quite probably a considerable reputation boost within the scientific community. Many scientists are notoriously driven to share what they learn.

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  10. Frog4
    Digital Frog  over 14 years ago

    Sounds a bit like the plot from Johnny Mnemonic

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  11. Dirt bed
    CliffG.I.Woes  over 14 years ago

    And a great way to create more public relations and creative positions for all.

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  12. Destiny
    Destiny23  over 14 years ago

    In the case of diseases like cancer and AIDS, prevention is FAR easier than cure. But thereā€™s no money in thatā€¦

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    freeholder1  over 14 years ago

    Makes me think of the pseudo Anti abortion criers.

    If they real want to end it, demand that no insurance cover the operation, since insurance co.s through work and independent sources cover the vast majority of abortions. Instead they cry against a public health care bill that isnā€™t even in effect yet.

    Might have something to do with the Repubs crying about it getting more insurance co money than the other guys.

    Nothing works like stirring up emotions so the voter wonā€™t think things through.

    Oh, and the ā€œserpentā€™ in Gen, is obviously a ā€œdragonā€ or raptor since it was standing upright and had an ability to communicate (read the curse that makes it crawl on itā€™s belly AFTERWARD and ā€œeat dustā€ so it wonā€™t speak) Since Raptors apparently had both those capacities.

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    inksplot  over 14 years ago

    Destiny23 said, 30 minutes ago

    In the case of diseases like cancer and AIDS, prevention is FAR easier than cure. But thereā€™s no money in thatā€¦ ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦

    Just how does someone prevent cancer?

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    iantheevil  over 14 years ago

    A Vegan diet does not prevent cancer (though it may reduce the likelihood of some types).

    jaredcormier has it right about cancer research - a general cure for all cancers is not likely because each type of cancer is a completely different disease. Regardless of what pharmaceutical companies might want, doctors and medical researchers do want to cure cancers (and get the credit for the cures). A legitimate cancer cure would get published; when you hear about ā€œcuresā€ supposedly being suppressed thatā€™s because they are snake oil that doesnā€™t stand up to scientific scrutiny.

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    HairyKc  over 14 years ago

    There is a prevention/cure out there and its biblical as well. ā€œThen God said, ā€ ā€œI am giving you every plant on the face of the whole earth that bears its own seeds. I am giving you every tree that has fruit with seeds in it. All of them will be given to you for food.ā€ ā€ So God told us to eat of the fruit and seed well apricot and apple seeds have a high concentration of vitamin B17. contains great information concerning cancer.

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    jhouck99  over 14 years ago

    ^Potatoes are the root of all evilā€¦

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    neurobio  over 14 years ago

    Oh yes, this makes sense.

    For instance, Galvani and Volta started their work on electricity in mid 1700ā€™s, and then scientists just researched it for centuries. And we all know that even to this day, electricity is completely uselessā€¦

    Or take cancer research. Sure, testicular cancer went from death sentence to 99% curable, childhood leukemia is now 90+% curable, breast cancer death rates fell fivefoldā€¦but hey, those scientists arenā€™t curing all the cancers as fast as we would like. It must be a conspiracy to get moneyā€¦

    I like Non Sequitur, but man do you hit a stinker every now and thenā€¦

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  19. Cardanav
    Hoomi  over 14 years ago

    Um, folksā€¦ are we slamming Wiley for what we are reading into the comic? Maybe itā€™s neither about cancer, or AIDS, or the Defense Department, or whatever. Maybe he just thought it was funny to have a dragon saying things like that.

    Itā€™s not always about you, or your favorite hobby-horse cause. Sometimes, itā€™s just about being funny. Until Wiley pops in and says, ā€œThis is what this is alluding to,ā€ take it with a grain of salt, and donā€™t start getting mad at him for your perceptions.

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    thirdguy  over 14 years ago

    Take a couple of ā€œDā€ cells and call me in the morning!

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  21. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Dragons prevent cancer, so donā€™t kill them. They either eat the person or incinerate them, no research grant necessary, no fundraising. Well, there is the question of what they really do with those sacrificed virgins.

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    Lurah  over 14 years ago

    Love Dragons - this is a job I could do!!!!

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    person918  over 14 years ago

    those ā€œcancer prevention techniquesā€ all sound highly dubiousā€¦ someone suggested eating apple seeds (?) which have cyanide in themā€¦ people in prison have been known to commit suicide by eating large quantities of apple seeds. in any case you all seem to be ignoring the fact that no matter what you do, youā€™re going to die someday. and ā€œold ageā€ isnā€™t a real option. in a ā€œdeveloped countryā€ itā€™s probably either going to be cancer or heart disease, take your pick. that goes for vegetarians too, you guys arenā€™t immortal ( < study indicates 1 to 1 ratio in mortality rates between vegetarians and non-vegetarians on 14 separate causes of death)

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    person918  over 14 years ago

    in any case, itā€™s an amusing comic

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    orz  over 14 years ago

    Isnā€™t that two words

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    amauriced  over 14 years ago

    If you want to find out more about the money drain that is breast cancer research, read ā€œThe Cure,ā€, and ā€œThe Secret History of the War on Cancerā€ by Dr. Devra Davis. Also check out Breast Cancer Action,, an organization dedicated to telling the truth about cancer.

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    AnnieWarriorPrincess  over 14 years ago

    Never mettle in the affairs of Dragons, for you are crunchy and good with ketchup!

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  28. Hawaii5 0girl
    treered  over 14 years ago

    Spock: There are always alternativesā€¦

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    miniwidge  over 14 years ago

    When did this cartoon become about cancer & cancer research? It might as well be between newscasters and the news. Once you report it, itā€™s no longer news, so just research. It could be ANYTHING. Yes, I know this isnā€™t a ā€œperpetual fundraising industryā€ā€¦ or is it? Think about advertising & news. Slamming Wiley (ā€˜I like Non Sequitur, but man do you hit a stinker every now and thenā€¦) for bringing up something that the COMMENTATORS brought up is just silly.

    GO WILEY! Even if it is about cancer research (which I honestly doubt) you do enliven the posting boards. Oh and by the way - Iā€™ve survived a rather brutal bout with cancer. I personally have nothing against research.

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    puddleglum1066  over 14 years ago

    Thereā€™s a story told about a military project in Stalinā€™s Russia: a bunch of scientists and engineers were shipped off to Siberia and given the assignment of coming up with a new weapon system. They quickly realized they were between a rock and a hard place: if they didnā€™t build the weapon, theyā€™d be executed for failing; if they did build it, theyā€™d be executed in order to keep the technology secret. So they came up with a scheme where they were always making progress but never quite got an operational weaponā€¦ and as I heard the story, they survived this way until after Stalin died, at which point the project faded away and they returned to normal life.

    I think the ā€œStar Warsā€ missile defense program is pretty much the same.

    As for charities, who can forget the TB Association quietly morphing into the American Lung Association when a cure and vaccine for TB came along and there was no longer any need for the sanitarium system?

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    agentadq  over 14 years ago

    Read into it what you will. But to have this comic appear on the first day of Breast Cancer Awareness Monthā€¦ Coincidence? I think not.

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  32. Civil defense symbol
    firedome  over 14 years ago

    hey, wileyā€¦.itā€™s malloryā€™s cousin! i hope mel white and robert asprin sees this one!

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  33. Phil b r
    pbarnrob  over 14 years ago

    @Puddleglum: Sounds like Zenoā€™s paradox; each minute, he covers half the remaining distance to his destination. So he effectively never gets there!

    Or perhaps like the current Congressional flap with NASA. Never mind a sensible exploration program that takes into account the pittance of a budget (unlike Bushā€™s fantasy Moon redux, without a real budget), letā€™s have a jobs program for LockMart and ATK and Boeing, andā€¦!

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    MattNYC  over 14 years ago

    I think heā€™s making fun of places like the ā€œFamily Research Councilā€. If they succeeded and got abortion and homosexuality outlawed, theyā€™d all be in the poorhouse and have to find real jobs (orā€“more likelyā€“find a new bogeyman to blame and fund-raise against).

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