Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for December 09, 2011
Lucy: I've got an idea on how to kick-start massive support for your anti-homework and brussels sprouts campaign... Danae: Cool... how? Lucy: Step one, get a camera set to record a video to upload and go viral... done, now, step two... Danae: Well... ? Lucy: Ever notice how there's never a cop with pepper spray around when you really want one? Danae: OK... quittin' time.
fox news says that pepper spray is food. uc-davis was spray painting those kids with pepper spray like he was detailing a car. uc-davis chancellor talks like hitler. but, you can use pepper spray when you are at walmart and they only have 1 xbox 360 on sale, and you can pepper spray everybody so you can buy it for little johnny for xmas.